Sunday, September 26, 2010

The most dangerous site on the web -> FACEBOOK

Do you know that the most popular social networking site "Facebook" or FB which we're surfing or playing everyday was the Most Dangerous site on the web!!!!

It will disposed all of your private secrets or solitudes including your properties, your family, your privacy and etc.
So be careful when you're continue surfing your FB and better focus on its advantages rather than expose yourself to public...

Below is the research report from Social Media Risk Index:
"Facebook is by far the most popular social media tool among small-to-medium-sized businesse (SMBs), with 69% of respondents reporting that they have active accounts with this site, followed by Twitter (44%), YouTube (32%) and LinkedIn (23%).

Facebook is also the top culprit for companies that experienced malware infection (71.6%) and privacy violations, e.g. the leaking of sensitive company information (73.2%). YouTube took the second spot for malware infection (41.2%), while Twitter contributed to a significant number of privacy violations (51%). For companies suffering financial losses from employee privacy violations, Facebook was again cited as the most common social media site where these losses occurred (62%), followed by Twitter (38%), YouTube (24%) and LinkedIn (11%)........"

So friend FB is good for us to keep in touch with our friends, networks & communities but do remember don't behave "over" or abuse it until become a Publish Post"worm" to us or our life!!!

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