Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hot "Porn Star" Wayne Rooney???

The England Footballer Wayne Rooney again become the hot topic recently in sports arena, but this time is not because of his fantastic or poor performances but is his "sex" performance :p

I'm really impressed with his "performance" when slept with so many prostitutes......The most famous one is Jeniffer Thompson as we all known has been reported had sex with at least 13 professional footballer!
Actually during South Africa world cup trip last 3 months, i'm really wonder to know why Rooney unable to perform well as in EPL??????

Hehehehe....now i got the answer: it is because He likes to be a "Porn Star" rather than become a football star. He knew that all the guys in this world will be adored him so much once these "performances" have been announced!!!

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