Monday, October 4, 2010

KLSE will break 1.5k points! So What? So What?

I'm sure a lot of Malaysians will now talk about our share market KLSE as the hot topic since KLSE going to hit 1.5k points soon!!
It "looks" really great since our stock market index keep increasing which normally people take it as to reflect the economy recovering......

So from the key point, we could make a conclusion from the recent KLSE higher index which is Malaysia economy was fully recovered from crisis!?!? Malaysians are getting the high income!?!?!? Less unemployment rates?!?!?! Our new PM is doing well on economy reformation?!?!?!
But as 1 of the "1Malaysian", we definitely know IT IS NOT TRUE and TRUTH!!!!!!! 
Below are the explanations:
1) We knew that the KLSE index getting higher & higher is because it just focus on 30 "blue chip" stocks rather than previously 100 of the "blue chip" stocks performances.

2) Some more previously when our KLSE had the hot market and nice index on year 2000, the volume is super higher (30-40Billions) compare to now even hitting 1.5 points but still stay at less 10Billions volume :P

3) The index will getting high is because our government just focus on pushing it up instead of take good care to the entire stock market. We can see it from the market now is only the "blue chips" or government linked share will be recovered but a lot of the share still considered "under water" because more than 80% of the total KLSE's stock still below RM1.00 which classified as penny stocks!

4) KLSE "achieved" the lowest foreign investors rate this year as broke the year 2009 lowest record!! :) No more new foreign investor come to Malaysia and invest to our KLSE stock market! Foreigners rather go to our neighbor countries like Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam.

5) Our "Barang Naik" government still keeping protects some of the government linkage KLSE companies which has impacted to the "free & open" market policy and also blocking the related companies from improvements! 

So from above critical points, are we still comfortable with just the "highest index" of KLSE?? Are Malaysians still feel good with their economy?? Are we better now if KLSE already breaks 1500 points of index?
If really KLSE breaks the 1500 points...So what? So What? So what? Because it wont really reflect our "QUALITIES" and reflect our "PERFORMANCES"!!!

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